Build Skills Fast with Online Bursts of Learning

Leadership-Link On-Demand offers bite-sized bursts of learning that take 30-minutes or less and help you build skills fast.

At Leadership-Link, our on-demand resources and services include:
Engaging online
learning programs
Easy access to our Learning Management System for your online learning
Custom online learning programs built for you

Leadership-Link's online learning is different than the popular online learning leaders because we create  custom online learning for great companies and then turn it into accessible, bite-sized chunks that get you to action, fast.

Don't waste your time wading through 2 hours of content to get to exactly what you need. Our LearningBursts give you access to online modules that are laser-focused on valuable workplace skills.

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Better Leaders
Stronger Teams
Smarter Companies
Productive Employees
BioPharma Industry

Radical Candor in Performance Reviews

Better Leaders
Better Leaders

A leader’s primary responsibility is the productivity and growth of employees. One avenue for growth is performance feedback that provides meaningful, actionable insights that resonate with theemployee and motivate them for change.

How to Receive Feedback Well

Productive Employees
Productive Employees

Being open to receiving feedback is not always easy. It requires a growth mindset and thinking from the pre-frontal cortex – the logical part of the brain.

Be Productive at Work: Prioritize Where You Spend Your Time

Productive Employees
Productive Employees

We’re busy. The whole world is busy. But being busy does not always equate to being productive.

Make Meetings Work: Go Beyond the Basics

Stronger Teams
Stronger Teams

Are there times when you feel like you spend all day going from meeting to meeting--and at the end of the day wonder what you really accomplished?

Work Inclusively to Ensure All are Heard

Stronger Teams
Stronger Teams

The saying “none of us is as smart as all of us” is an important one in the workplace.

Disrupt Unconscious Bias: Ensure a Diverse and Inclusive Work Environment

Smarter Companies
Smarter Companies

Unconscious bias impacts how we think, work, and act. There are biases that affect how we make decisions, who we listen to, who we trust, and how we put people and scenarios into categories. We all have biases.

Present So People Will Listen

Productive Employees
Productive Employees

In this 30-minute LearningBurst, you will learn the secret behind captivating an audience so they both hear and remember what you say in a world where everyone is talking and few people are listening. Be the voice people choose to listen to!

Pharmacovigilance Do's and Don'ts

BioPharma Industry
BioPharma Industry

In this 30-minute LearningBurst, you will learn about when and how to report safety information to your Pharmacovigilance team. Various scenarios will unfold to help you recognize when you are responsible for communicating information.

Lab to Patient: How Drugs are Developed

BioPharma Industry
BioPharma Industry

This LearningBurst dives into drug discovery and development, as well as the pre-clinical and clinical research process. You will learn about this complex process and the critical roles that people play in order to move to the drug from the Lab to the Patient.

Increase Team Effectiveness with the DiSC

Stronger Teams
Stronger Teams

In this LearningBurst we are going to dig-in more to the base DiSC model and how styles are determined.

Interview for a Great Match

Productive Employees
Productive Employees

Interviewing for a Great Match offers 10 MicroBursts that define strategic steps for finding the best candidate for your hiring needs.

Insider Trading: What to Avoid

Smarter Companies
Smarter Companies

In this 30-minute LearningBurst, we will cover the essentials of insider trading laws, explore the difference between material and non-material, public and non-public information, and the actions that are actions that are permissible or not permissible in several common situations.

Improve Your Emotional Intelligence for Greater Impact at Work

Productive Employees
Productive Employees

Research shows that one of the most critical factors for success at work is emotional intelligence.

Have Difficult Conversations with Clarity and Care

Better Leaders
Better Leaders

In this 30-minute LearningBurst, you will be introduced to Leadership-Link’s IOIC difficult conversation model.

Avoid Harassment & Discrimination: Ensure a Respectful Workplace--Every Leaders Role

Smarter Companies
Smarter Companies

Harassment and Discrimination in the workplace is a topic that all companies need to be in front of. Providing continual training for employees is essential in creating a culture of respect and inclusion.

Avoid Harassment & Discrimination: Ensure a Respectful Workplace

Smarter Companies
Smarter Companies

Defines harassment and discrimination, explores how to recognize it, and covers your role—taking action if you are victim, acting as an advocate for others, and reporting information immediately.

Optimize Ergonomics in Your Home Office

Productive Employees
Productive Employees

In this 15-minute LearningBurst we will cover how to set up your home office to be pain free and introduce you to a few stretching exercising you can do throughout the day to remove tension in the most common pain points.

Drive Effective Decision-Making in Teams

Stronger Teams
Stronger Teams

In this 30-minute LearningBurst, you will be introduced to the fundamentals of healthy debate and sound Decision-Making processes that will set your team up for long-term success.

Design Actions and Accountability Plans 

Better Leaders
Better Leaders

In this 30-minute LearningBurst we will explore various processes that help take an idea from concept to concrete, and how to build an accountability plan so that team members know WHO does WHAT by WHEN.

Deliver Feedback on the Fly 

Better Leaders
Better Leaders

In this 30-minute LearningBurst, Delivering Feedback on the Fly, we will explore how timing is everything, facts beat judgments, how to collaborate, not compete, and what to do when a conversation has gone awry.

Delegate to Develop

Better Leaders
Better Leaders

In this 30-minute LearningBurst, we will explore practical applications and critical insights on how you can get work done THROUGH you, not BY you, so that everyone grows.

Cybersecurity: Protect Yourself and Your Company

Smarter Companies
Smarter Companies

In this 30-minute LearningBurst you will learn about Cybersecurity risks and actions you can take to protect your company’s confidential and intellectual property.

Combat Cognitive Bias in Decision-Making

Stronger Teams
Stronger Teams

In this 30-minute LearningBurst, you will explore what unconscious cognitive bias is, how to recognize it, how it impacts the goal of achieving the highest quality of thought in analysis and decision-making, and define steps you can take to combat the impact of Cognitive Bias in your work.

Coach for Growth

Better Leaders
Better Leaders

In this 30-minute LearningBurst, you will explore the neuroscience of performance and leadership, how to ask truly curious questions, the importance of engaged listening, and how to build trust by avoiding advice-giving.

Capitalize on Conflict in Teams: Get the Best Thinking on the Table

Stronger Teams
Stronger Teams

In this 30-minute LearningBurst, you will learn various models for not only managing conflict, but how to harness and capitalize on it. Your new perspective will redefine the word ‘conflict,’ dispelling negative connotations and opening space for a positive and powerful context.

Build a Culture of Accountability

Better Leaders
Better Leaders

In this LearningBurst we will discuss the what, why, and how for building a culture of accountability within your team—a culture in which it is not just the leader driving the performance, instead, all employees feel a sense of ownership for the team’s results.

Be an Influencer at Work

Productive Employees
Productive Employees

Influence is the ability to bring others to your way of thinking without force or coercion. At work your ability to influence others can impact your efficiency, effectiveness and results.

Approval to Market: The Commercial Side of the Drug Development Industry

BioPharma Industry
BioPharma Industry

In Approval to Market, you will explore the roles of marketing and sales—a large workforce of people who are focused on getting the best medicines and therapies to the patients who need them.