Teams in Motion ®

Turning Teams of
Experts into Expert

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You have all the experts on the team, so why do conversations swirl, disagreements turn into arguments, and you never seem to agree upon a final decision?

Having the right experts on the team is only a part of the solution. There are critical skills and practices every team needs to become a high performing team. Building team effectiveness is a core competence of Leadership-Link.

Workshops + Coaching

Based on the results of our Team health check, we clearly identify the strengths and opportunity areas of your teams. Then we create custom-tailored development programs that increase the team effectiveness in your company. The workshops are designed for intact teams or mixed groups of team members and team leaders.

Jump Start: Practices of High-Performing Teams**

Jump Start: Practices of High-Performing Teams**

What makes you a team?  Are you a true team? Are you currently working as a true team? Research shows that high-performing teams include extend trust, show cohesive commitment to goals, hold each other accountable, and communicate effectively. What commitments will you make to improve as a team?

in Teams

Decision-Making in Teams

There is plenty of research about how teams can improve their decision-making ability.  And, surprisingly, it is NOT often improved by adding MORE technical expertise to the team.
In this workshop, teams will learn how to determine the best decision-making model, how to drive a structured decision-making conversation, and the best ground rules for each phase of the decision-making conversation.

Constructive Debate to get the Best Thinking on the Table.

Constructive Debate to get the Best Thinking on the Table.

We all have cognitive biases that can interfere in the process of getting our team to the best decision.  In this workshop participants will learn about cognitive bias and how it interferes with decision-making in teams.  We work to recognize cognitive bias in action and take steps to combat the bias before it interferes.

Capstone for Team Action Commitments

Capstone for Team Action Commitments

There are benefits to productive conflict during team discussions.  The key is to harness the value of a rigorous debate without allowing it to turn into a harmful argument.   In this workshop, teams learn to have productive disagreements that allow the best thinking in the room to emerge.  

Communicate Up & Out Strategically Manage Stakeholders

Communicate Up & Out: Strategically Manage Stakeholders

If a team does not strategically and proactively manage their stakeholders, the stakeholders will manage the team!  In this workshop, teams will work to create a strategic stakeholder map, identify the role of every team member in stakeholder management, and document an actionable stakeholder communication and management plan.

Every session includes:

> 3-hour workshop
> Access to the Know2Grow portal
> Manager Reinforcement

* Two assessments:

> Proprietary Team Health Check, pre & post
> Wiley Everything DiSC

Together we can:

Determine their collective strengths and areas for development

Drive effective decision-making.

Optimize the value of rigorous debate.

Create a team environment where everyone can contribute every bit of their expertise .

Effectively manage stakeholders.

Understand the impact of work styles and preferences on team effectiveness (via the Everything DiSC).

The bottom line is how to work together so the team can benefit from the collective intelligence.